Thursday, November 29, 2012

The First Principle and Foundation

I got this prayer from Deacon John at our church. I have started to say the prayer each morning, as I think it is a great way to start the day. Sort of gets your head on straight before you face the world each morning. Enjoy.
The First Principle and Foundation
The goal of our life is to live with God forever.
God who loves us, gave us life.
Our own response of Love allows God’s life to flow into us without limit.

All the things in this world are gifts of God, presented to us so that
We can know God more easily and make a return of Love more readily.

As a result, we appreciate and use all these gifts of God
insofar as they help us develop as Loving persons.
But if any of these gifts become the center of our lives,
they displace God and so hinder our growth toward our goal.

In everyday life, then, we must hold ourselves in balance
 before all of these created gifts insofar as we have a choice
and are not bound by some obligation.
We should not fix our desires on health or sickness, wealth or poverty,
success or failure, a long life or short one.
For everything has the potential of calling forth in us
a deeper response to our life in God.

Our only desire and our one choice should be this:
I want and I choose what better leads to the deepening of God’s Life in me.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving - 2012

Today is November 22, 2012 – Thanksgiving Day. This day gives us pause to reflect on the many things we are thankful for. I decided to send out an article listing the some of the many things I am thankful for this year:

I am thankful to God for creating me in the first place – for allowing me to wake up this morning and to enjoy this beautiful day with family and friends.  I thank God for His grace which gives me the strength to get through the many trials that I face every day all year long. I thank God for the Hope I have in an eternal life with Him in heaven – for the Faith I have to believe that He does exist, that He did create the world and me, and that He does Love me enough to have sent His Son down to earth to tell us about His Father. I am thankful that God loves mankind enough that He did not give up on us when Adam and Eve fell into sin, giving all of us a fallen nature that wants to move away from God and toward the easier path of sin. I am thankful that God’s pure Love for all of us allowed Him to forgive us even after we beat His Son to death and hung Him on a cross to die. All we have to do is love God back and love our neighbors in a similar fashion. Not too tough, but we make it quite a job sometimes.

I am also thankful for all of you who have been praying for me and for our family during this past year. I know that the reason I am doing well so far is because of all of the people praying for us. I am lifted up by your prayers and thoughts!

I am thankful for Margaret – words make it hard to describe how much I love her. She is such a strong person and has been so good through all of this. I have the easy job here, and she has the tough job. I get to move on to heaven, once my journey here is done, and she has to stay behind for a time and carry on. I think God chose her to remain because she is much stronger than I could ever hope to be. I told Margaret that I will be waiting for her on a bench just inside the gates of heaven.

I am thankful for all of our sons, their wives, and our grandchildren, Kolbe and Jameson. I know this has been a hard year for all of them, but they are doing a great job and have been very supportive and helpful through all of this.

I am thankful for all of our friends and for the Rosary Club we belong to, for Father Chuck, Father Joe, and for all of the priests in our lives and in this area who pray for us and have supported us. I am thankful for Cheryl Prunty and the faith she has shown me over the years of her battle with cancer. I am thankful for the Circle of Hope group of people out in the Hartford area who are fighting cancer in their lives.

I am thankful to Sioux Fall Fire Rescue and the many great friends I have on that department.

I am thankful to my Mom and Dad and to all of the Jarding family. They have rallied at our side through all of this, they continue to pray for us and for each other, and they pray and support our relatives who are fighting cancer as well.

Finally, I am thankful to Mary, the virgin mother of God. She has been my rock and my go to person through this journey. I pray to her each day, and she intercedes on my behalf to her son, Jesus Christ. If I can’t sleep, I pray the rosary. During radiation treatments, I prayed the rosary. During infusions, I pray the rosary. When we are going in for an MRI of my brain, I pray the rosary. Mary loves all of us, and she is our mother up in heaven. I have said at least one rosary per day for many years now – if you do not pray the rosary, start. It will change your life!

God Bless all of you, and have a Happy Thanksgiving Season!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rocking Horses

I have had this project going for a few months now, maybe even, longer.  I have always loved wooden rocking horses. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors, just like people, I guess. Each horse has a story behind it. They take time to cut, shape, glue, and finish, and each was built by a craftsman who loved what he does.

When John, our youngest son, was born, I had a pattern for a wooden rocking horse that I wanted to build for him. I decided to ask my dad to build that horse, and he did a great job. I know the horse gave him some challenges, but Johnny received a beautiful oak rocking horse from Grandpa Jarding. The horse is a nice stained piece of oak, and will be a family heirloom for generations to come. I imagine a few generations hence, when true craftsmanship is all but forgotten, and everything is built with computer-guided machinery, some great grandchild of ours will ride that horse and I hope his parents will tell the story about Great-Great Grandpa Jim Jarding who built that horse. They will tell him that Grandpa Jim was a farmer for the first part of his life, and was always a farmer at heart. He took a job carrying mail in the early sixties. He loved carrying mail, and made a lot of good friends over the years. Grandpa Jim built many different things for us. He welded a steel pipe swingset for us while still on the farm. If something needed to be built or fixed, he just did it. He was a pretty handy guy with tools. Our sister, Connie, was born with Cerebal Palsey, and could not stand or walk. Dad built little walkers for her from steel pipe and wood, while mom sewed seats for the walkers out of leather and cloth. Connie had several tables built for her by dad so she would have a place to stand and watch mom working in the kitchen. Dad even built her first wheel chairs from steel well pipe and casters.

That is probably where I got my urge to make things. I always liked working with wood, and, thanks to the genetics from Dad, I was able to have some success at it.

I planned to build a rocking horse for each of my son’s families when the time came. I build Kolbe an oak horse last Christmas. I thought I had plenty of time to build the other three. God has put me on an accelerated plan now, so I am trying to get these other three horses done for this Christmas, and I will make that. I will also have to build a dolly cradle later this spring for one little granddaughter.

I had decided to cut out all three sets of parts at the same time to “mass produce” these three horses. The process moves along, but when working with 1 ½” And 2” oak boards, the wood is hard, and the wood does not always cooperate with the tools shaping it. I have found that I had to re-glue and re-cut some pieces, as the router knocked out large chunks of oak at the most unexpected times. The grain of the wood has a lot to do with this. As the rapidly spinning router blade moves along to shape the oak piece, sometimes the grain is a bit rough or moving into a knotty area, and the router tears out a larger piece than I had hoped it would. The wood worker, me, has to then not swear, go get another piece of oak, cut and glue it, and shape it to the pattern of the piece I need. This has been a process, but I do enjoy the process. I try to be patient, and it has been going well. I try to take a faith lesson from all of this, and here it is.

We are all like pieces of uncut raw wood in the hands of the Master Woodworker. He, through life’s trials, tests, and blessings, cuts us to the pattern we are to be. As He shapes us, I think sometimes we fight back, and our stubborn and sinful ways can cause his machinery to tear out a large chunk of wood. He patiently glues back the piece and continues to shape us into the beautiful creation we are meant to be. Sometimes He has to almost start over with the process in some of us, but He doesn’t get angry and throw us aside, He keeps working with us until we become what He knows we can be. I suppose the pieces that just won’t cooperate end up in the fire pit pile, like my scraps do.

As my future grandchildren ride their rocking horses, I hope they squeal with joy and have big smiles on their faces. They will have lots of fun on their horses, and both Grandpa Jim and Great Grandpa Jim will be up in heaven smiling down on them and watching them have fun.

I have been feeling pretty good, and feel that God has truly Blessed me and my family this Thanksgiving. Make it a great week, and enjoy God’s many Blessings!