Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12, 2013

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Lent is the forty days before Easter which we use to prepare ourselves for the coming Celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. In the Catholic Church we traditionally use these forty days to help to increase our discipline, both spiritually and physically to prepare for the coming celebration of Easter. We are told we should pray, fast, and give alms to help to prepare ourselves.

Matthew Kelly, an advocate who is working hard to revitalize the Catholic Faith speaks about how we let our body’s wants control us in many of the things we do. Our body tells us we want coffee, sweets, too much salt, too much TV, too much Facebook, too much of many things. We tend to seek the easy route and to satisfy that want as quickly as we can without thinking about the consequence many times. We must learn to discipline ourselves if we are to be true Disciples of Christ. The body needs to know what it is to say no to it, even if it is a small thing just to ourself. In these small victories over our wants and desires, we will grow in strength and become truly in control of ourselves and of our lives, both spiritually and physically.

Lent offers us the opportunity to “Fast” from some of those things that control our lives. Perhaps we could spend less time watching TV – give up one of those cups of coffee - do not eat something sweet when the body says it wants some sugar – don’t pass along a story when someone is spreading gossip – take a walk at lunch time and clear your mind a bit – set aside some time for you and God to visit each day, He always has time for you – take the opportunity to go out of your way to say something nice to someone at work – both of you will feel better for it.

Each of us knows where we need to improve ourselves, let’s take Lent this year to start on those improvements. I know I need to eat healthier, to take more walks, to trust in God’s Plan completely, and to be less judgmental of others.

My third chemo treatment was completed last Thursday, and today I am starting to feel pretty good again. I kind of had the chemo fog they talk about for a day or two – yesterday I had very little energy, but feeling pretty good today.

Thank God for all those who work in the health care industry who care lovingly for others each and every day. Say a prayer for those children who are struggling with disease and cancer as well.

God Bless all of you and make this your best Lenten Season ever! Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and support.

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