Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thy Will Be Done

On Tuesday morning, I was putting dishes away from the dishwasher.  When I looked at one of the stacks of silverware, I noticed something familar about this.
      As I realized this, I start to get that all too familiar wave of nausea begin to move up through my body. This in turn became what I had known over a year ago a  seizure, I was sweaty, with palms down on the counter, but just stood there shaking a bit.
     This was quite disconcerting for me. The seizures occured about every half hour after that, Margaret decided we needed to get into the ER, which we did, they admitted me for further testing. I spent the night in the hospital and had further tests done. The MRI of the brain shows a significant growth in the original tumor area. After further consultation with DoctorTollentino, we both agreed on the next course of action. We had tried three different oral chemo treatments, as well as now a fourth and fifth chemo treatment to no avail. The next treatment would be a very agressive chemo with many bad side effects.  The end result would be the same. Margaret and I have decided, along with our children and Doctor Toletino to keep me as pain free as is possible and to let God's plans for me take there course, God Bless & LOVE ALL OF YOU!


  1. Dear Jim, thank you so much for blogging about your journey. This has been so inspirational to me and many many others. This latest blog is very hard to read - I can't imagine how hard it was to write. Please know that Jerry and I, and all 4 of our kids are praying continously for you and your family to have the strength to continue this journey towards our ultimate goal: Jesus' warm embrace in Heaven. Love, Jean Klein

  2. Prayers for you and your family, Jim. I agree with Jean that your blog has been an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your journey and your faith with us all. Prayers for your strength and comfort. Mark and Erica Bukovich
