Monday, May 14, 2012

May 13, 2012

         Mother’s Day 2012. It was a beautiful day for all of the mothers in this area to enjoy the warm sunshine and pleasant temperatures. We went out to Humboldt on Saturday night for a family rosary and some time with my parents. We had a nice visit with a pretty good turnout of family members.
         Today, we had brunch at our house for my wife, three of our sons, and two of their fiancés. Matt had called us on Saturday night to announce that he is now engaged as well. Two weddings coming up in the near future! Margaret got to plant a few pots and spend some time outdoors today. After we had finished eating brunch, we all moved out onto the deck for a few pictures, and a red cardinal landed in the ash tree right off the deck and began to sing to all of us!
         Then, this evening as we were unwinding a bit, another red cardinal landed in about the same area of the same tree and sang to us once again! God is good and wants to let us know he is watching and knows what we are going through each day.
         Make it a great week, and God Bless! 


  1. What a gift you have given to all who read your blog. My mother passed away at age 60, 18 years ago. I remember one day sitting on the step of my house, feeling sad and missing her. It was then I heard the distinct song of the Cardinal. As I looked up there he was sitting at the very top of a tree. It gave me peace as she loved birds, and I looked at it as a way of God telling me not to be sad cause someday I will see her again. I cried when I read what you said about "your" cardinal. God bless you! I will pray for a miracle for you. You can bet I will be a follower of you and your "gift" Crystal Jones

  2. What a Beautiful gift you are giving through these blogs Jim.....Might we all remember how Blessed we truly are and appreciate each day as the gift it is from God.

    He is watching and we are never alone. I love that you saw that in the red cardinal....

    Many prayers for you and your wonderful family.
