Thursday, May 31, 2012


Understanding is the second gift of the Holy Spirit. It may be hard for us to understand understanding as a gift. Wisdom allows us to know things about God while Understanding allows us to grasp the essence of the truth about our faith in God. The more we use our Wisdom, the more we come to Understand how all of this is God’s plan for us and for humanity.
The Old Testament can sometimes seem like it has nothing to do with the New Testament. We also can wonder how the history the people of Israel has anything to do with us today. If we use the gift of Wisdom and learn about the Old Testament and the Israelite people, we can come to Understand that they are not a lot different from us today. They had God lead them out of Egypt, open up the waters of the Red Sea to allow them to safely cross to the other side. Then God destroyed the most powerful army in the world at that time with the waters of that same Red Sea right in front of the Israelite people. Only a few days later, as Moses was on Mount Sinai getting the Ten Commandments from God, these same people fashioned a golden calf and began to worship that false idol.
How could they do that we ask ourselves? In Egypt, where they had been living for the past four hundred years, the Egyptians had worshipped gods represented by animals and the things of nature. These Israelites were going back to their old Egyptian ways when they made the golden calf. God was furious with them, and wanted to destroy the whole nation, but Moses interceded on their behalf. Some of them were still destroyed, and only one tribe was allowed to remain priests. God had planned for each tribe to be a priestly people, but that changed at Sinai.
Why did God have them sacrifice a lamb at the first Passover - because it was a crime punishable by death to kill a lamb in Egypt (one of their false gods)? This was a way to have them break a law in Egypt to close that chapter of their lives. Why were they forbidden to eat pork – because it was a staple of their diet in Egypt?
Many of the laws for the Jewish people in the Old Testament seem foolish to us, but if we study their history more, our gift of Understanding allows us to know why they had those rules and laws. Understanding allows us to see the parallel between Abraham being willing to offer his only son to God upon God’s requests as a test of his Faith to God offering us His only Son for all of our sins hundreds of years later on the same hill! It is all truly a part of God’s plan for mankind, but we need the gifts of Wisdom and Understanding to full appreciate the plan.
Make it a great day! Tomorrow we learn about the gift of Counsel. 

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