Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July

Independence Day, 2012! I am thankful today for all of the men and women of this great country who have given their lives in service to all the rest of us to allow us to celebrate the many freedoms that we have. I have the “Band of Brothers” on as I type these words. Those young men are getting ready to jump out of a plane over France to begin the invasion on D-Day. Can you imagine what went through their minds? Many of those young men gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Take some time today to offer a prayer of thanks to God for the freedoms we have in this country. Also take time to thank any military personnel or veterans you know.

We many times misunderstand what freedom means. Some think it means we can do whatever we want whenever we want. Freedom comes with a price and a responsibility. Your very freedom to do what you want does not give you the freedom to infringe on another person’s life or rights. Those who would say they have a right to abort an unborn child are taking away the freedom of that new unborn child to be able to be born and become a part of this world. Ironic, isn’t it? 

This week we had one of my favorite Scripture stories about “Doubting Thomas”. The apostles were all gathered together, except for Thomas. Jesus appeared to them and spoke with them. They were all excited about seeing the Savior Resurrected, and excitedly were telling Thomas about their meeting with Jesus. Thomas, much like many of us would, said, “I will believe when I can touch the nail marks on his hands and place my hand in the wound in his side.” Jesus appears a few days later to the group, and Thomas is with them this time. Do you suppose Thomas was a bit red in the face? Jesus steps up to Thomas and invites him to touch his nail marks and place his hand in his side.

Then Jesus asks Thomas if he now believes because he has seen. Jesus also says that those of us who believe without seeing are blessed. That gives you and I some hope, doesn’t it! We believe based on faith, and we are blessed.

It still amazes me to talk with some people who say they do not believe in God. We all believe that Abraham Lincoln once lived, but no one alive has seen Abraham Lincoln. We read what is written about him, and therefore we believe he lived. How can we read the Bible, written two thousand years ago, and not believe that Jesus Christ once lived and was the Son of God? I am perplexed by the lack of faith of some people. I pray that they will learn and believe before the day when they get to meet their creator.

          I have been a bit lax in writing on this Blog, and I apologize for that. I was on vacation for a week, felt poorly for a few weeks, and have been busy with stuff. I will try to be more faithful in writing. Tomorrow I have the first MRI of my brain since last February. I am somewhat anxious about what we will find, but it is all in the hands of God. His will and not my will be done.

          I have seen the cardinals quite a bit, and I hear them every day. God is out there waiting for us to find Him. Make it a great Independence Day 2012!

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