Friday, April 13, 2012

April 11 & 12, 2012

We have had a busy couple of days, which makes it harder to sit down and blog items.  I have been feeling pretty well. I have learned to drink a 4 ounce glass of cold water with a teaspoon of Arm and Hammer baking soda in it twice a day. This seems to take care of the acid reflux better than the tums and should have fewer ingredients in it. Taste is not great, but neither is the taste of chalk.

I even did a mile on the cross trainer yesterday. It has been a bit cooler and raining, so walking is limited now. We have been too busy to take the time to walk anyway. It is good to be busy, but you can quickly again get caught up in things and forget about your prayer life. I still need to take the time to just sit and meditate and pray. It gets hard to do some days, even when you are “Walkin the Mile!” (From the Green Mile)

Radiation goes to day 17 of 30 today. I have lost almost all of the hair on my right side, which I was told was going to happen. Now the hair in the same area on the left side is letting go. I may have to go get a number one cut up to the timberline and then blend it in. We’ll see how that pays out.

I heard the cardinal singing yesterday at one time. We got a nice little rain yesterday, with more to come over the next few days. There was a brilliant flash of lightning yesterday afternoon right over to the west as I was in my office. I see God in those brilliant storms at times. Nature is pretty cool stuff. God could make every storm the same, but the way they come causes us excitement and anticipation each time. Thank you for that God.

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