Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 13, 2012

We had a nice rainy day today. That blessed moisture means quite a lot to this areas farmers and ranchers. They put millions of dollars cumulatively into the soil with seed, fertilizer, weed killer, and diesel fuel in their machinery. Then they get to sit back and have the good faith that God will grant sufficient rain and sunshine for their crops to grow. Many of us non-farmers take all of that for granted.

Imagine borrowing enough money to build a nice house, buying expensive seed corn and beans, chemicals to get them started right, and then putting all of into the ground. Now you sit back and hope and pray that the crops grow, and grow enough to pay back your investment at the very least. This is your entire year’s income as well.

Then, as the summer progresses, things look just great. This could be a two hundred bushel plus crop, and a dark dark storm cloud can pass over and wipe it all out with hail in a few minutes.

Over the past few years the farmers have been doing well because of great yields, and good crop prices, but the ten year average has not always been that good. Say a prayer for those farmers when you see them out in their fields over these next weeks. They are a vital part of our economy, and they are our friends and neighbors. Their very lively hood is a true act of Faith in God.

The spring of the year brings out that little bit of farmer in all of us. We get anxious to get some plants started or to plant a few tomatoes, or to start a small vegetable garden. This spring has been about thirty days ahead of normal schedule. Now, it seems, we are back into more normal temperatures and patterns. Soon we can put out those annual flowers and get things going.

Celebrate the warm sunshine and God’s gift of spring to us. You will see his smiling face while He is watching you pick from His large selection of colorful flowers for you garden and your flower pots. He could have made all gray flowers, but instead He made the flowers with almost endless beauty for you and I to enjoy! Thank God for the beauty of Springtime!

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