Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 18, 2012

I have nine more radiation treatments to go, then the break. Blood counts all look pretty good yet. A sore in my mouth and a bit of a mucousy throat, ten pounds heavier than when I started, swollen steroid neck, otherwise things are just peachy here.

Overall, I do feel pretty good yet. I just get tired of taking meds and meds and meds to counter act what the meds do to you. I guess that is my journey now, so whining doesn’t make it any easier. I know a lot of people who are in a lot more pain than I am. Just have to vent occasionally. I do notice that I am getting tired more easily, probably a side effect of the radiation. They said this would start to happen, that is why we take the break in nine more treatments.

I want all of you to a prayer for my friend, Butch, who had some major surgery yesterday, and is now recovering in the hospital. Pray for all of those who are struggling with sickness and illness. Never take your good health for granted. It is truly a gift.

I noticed that it bothers me to see people who smoke now more than it once did. I think to myself, “Why are they choosing to kill themselves.”

 I did not ever smoke, and here I am. I guess Fair is a place where you show pigs for ribbons and not necessarily the way life goes.

 We had lunch with a couple of old friends today. We worked together back in the 70’s if you can imagine way back then. It was good to see them and to visit with them.

I have heard the birds and the cardinals singing several times over the past few days, so I know He is watching over me always.

The readings since Easter have been from the Acts of the Apostles. Those early Christians sold all they had and gave it to the group for the betterment of everyone. They lived like they expected Jesus to return shortly to take them all to heaven. I suppose they really didn’t know what to expect. We grow more complacent about all of that, since that was nearly 1,979 years ago, and He has not returned yet. We each have to learn to live each day to the fullest, trying to become the best version of ourselves each day. For each of us, He will come someday, and for some of us, that day may be sooner rather than later. Are you ready to meet Him?

1 comment:

  1. I really liked how you defined Fair...a place you show pigs and maybe not how life goes. Also, agree with you about seeing smokers. I often had (and still do) that same feeling.
