Monday, March 12, 2012


  This afternoon, as Mark and Sara were getting their van loaded to head back home to Omaha, Sara handed my grandson, Kolbe to me to hold for while. Kolbe is15 months old, and a pretty active little boy. He is too squirmy to sit long, and I cannot lift much for a few weeks as the craniotomy surgery heals. Kolbe had fallen into one of those peaceful sleeps that only a small child can attain. He was out like a light and Sara’s thoughtfulness allowed me to hold Kolbe in my arms for about a half hour while he slept.
 As I looked down at his beautiful sleeping face, many thoughts went through my mind. I had a few tears thinking of those other dozen or better grandchildren that I will only be able to hold in my heart, and not in my arms. They will only get to know Grandpa Jarding through the pictures and articles I leave behind. I will be with them in their hearts and I will pray for them constantly, but we won’t get much face time. The hugs, kisses, and rocking work now comes down to Grandma Margaret. She will do great. I picture her at a future Christmas surrounded by the many grandchildren and just smiling with a heart bursting with joy. She is a good and loving wife, mother, and grandmother, and she will be just fine, surrounded by my love and the love of God.
We have a new granddaughter arriving in mid June, so we are eagerly anticipating her birth. Grandma Jarding will have her first baby girl after four sons and one grandson! I imagine the clothing store stock values will increase on the short term.
 If God, time, and my strength allow me to, I have to build a few more rocking horses to stock up for future Christmases.
 When I was holding Kolbe, sleeping peacefully in my arms, I imagined how I will soon sleep peacefully in the arms of God. That is a very comforting thought. Make it a great day and know that God loves you.

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