Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 24, 2012

Another gorgeous day. We went out to the Gift Of Hope Concert at the new performing arts center on O’Gorman’s Campus this afternoon. The Selfish Giant story with the music, well the entire concert  – incredible. Very well done, and a pretty touching story.
We also went to our monthly Rosary Club meeting tonight. They are our anchor through all of this. What a group of people. Lots of people to pray for us and we have a lot of prayer needs that branch out from that little group. What a Blessing they have all been to our family and to each other. I’m telling you, if you are not in such a group, start one. It will change your life.
That is two touches by God without even counting the beautiful birds today. The Selfish Giant, and the Rosary Club. Thank you God!

1 comment:

  1. Jimmy, We have been faithfully reading your daily blogs. Those blogs are such a daily inspiration!

    I look for God every day, so I thought I would share my first experience of the day...As we are singing in church I looked over and saw a handicapped man playing the air guitar while we sang. What great moment! Have blessed Sunday!

