Sunday, March 11, 2012


           I have always loved tools.  Woodworking has been a hobby and a passion of mine since I was in High School shop. The Jarding family has been into construction work of some sort or the other for several generations. Throughout my career as a building contractor, I have had opportunities to design many projects, and to even build a few things. Whenever I come across a new woodworking gadget, I usually pick one up. I love the variety of cordless tools now available as well.
          The key to completing almost any job in a timely fashion is to have the correct tool for the job. If I am trying to exercise my very weak mechanic skills by fixing something on one of our vehicles, I usually do not have that one tool that would make it go just right. That usually ends up in more time spent on that task than I wanted to, some scraped knuckles, and a bit of cursing the engineer who designed this thing.
          But wood working and I have usually gotten along very well. There is something about working with a once living piece of wood that has always intrigued me – but we digress – that may be a future blog. We were talking about tools.
          Christ gave us the tools we need to shape and form our lives to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. That is God’s plan for each of us – to be the best version of you that is possible. The tools we have are the sacred scriptures, daily prayer, daily meditation, attending Mass, and receiving the sacraments. Now you will find that if you try to be yourself and not use these tools, often times you will end up frustrated, with scraped knuckles, cursing under your breath at the way things are going for you, or just quitting on the project. Use the tools that God gave us.

1 comment:

  1. From the work you did on our home I would concur your wood working skills are impressive.
    Jim wrote your name in the Novena to St. Joseph at St. Marys in Salem South Dakota.

    Thanks for this walk with you daily it's a great blessing.

    dad of 4 girls to the south.
