Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 23, 2012 Family

Well it is Friday once again. I didn’t say, “Thank goodness it’s Friday!” too much before, and every day is like vacation for me now, so I try to enjoy them all. I have enjoyed being able to have my family around us these past few weekends. Mark, Sara, and Kolbe made the trek once again from Omaha. Kolbe is growing every week! He is pretty busy this weekend, over his sinus infection from last weekend. It is so good to have everyone home – it is like a Christmas weekend every weekend!
My Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, and their families have been gathering during Lent at the 5:30 Stations of the Cross at St. Michael then coming over for a Lenten meal for the past three weeks. We have had some good visits with a few tears and some great healing! The food is always great, although meatless in Lent. We always have plenty, and nice visits. Tonight was such a beautiful night that we even lit the fire pit. We sat around the fire pit after the meal and said a family rosary together. It a pretty special moment where I think God touched all of us. We visited about how we used to have to say the rosary around the kitchen table, kneeling on the hard floor after the supper meal.
I want to thank Mom and Dad once again for the faith they instilled in each of us, although the instilling took a firm hand at times. We whined about praying the rosary, but look where it has brought us. My parents have set an example to our family about what it means to believe in God and to accept what He gives you in life. You don’t sit around and complain when you get dealt a hand, you do the best you can with what you have been given. God doesn’t ever give you more than He knows you can handle either.
It makes me proud to part of a family like mine. We are only ever one generation away from losing our Catholic heritage and our faith. Remember to pass what you believe on to your children. Do not be afraid to pray with them and to teach them that we all need God. Also teach them to look for God each day in others and the nature around us. He is right there, and He wants to you to know Him.
My touched by God moments today – a nicely embroidered fleece throw from my Mom with a red cardinal on one side and a nice sparrow on the other side (great for nap time!) – a beautiful night around the fire pit with the rosary, family, and the bright shining stars – and the birds were singing all day. Tonight we had several red cardinals sitting in the trees around the house singing away. Thank you God!

1 comment:

  1. Jimmy, you are so right, dad and mom taught us a deep faith and I only hope someday our children feel the same about us as their parents. I know this is a very hard fork in the road, especially for you, Margaret and the boys and dad and mom, but faith is going to be the guiding light. We your siblings are praying for the miracle, but also know we have to accept God's will, He will never give us more than we can handle, He will help all of us. Imagine being someone with no faith, how would you be doing by now, we have it so good thanks to our parents, and most of all our faith. Continue with your great blogs, we all treasure them, and continue to pray, you are very special, love you Cynthia
