Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, 2012 – How Did You See God Today?

I still cannot believe this great weather! What a day again. Went to Mass this morning, did a few errands, then had a fairly free afternoon. We visited with Doug & Peg, our good friends from Parkston for a bit this afternoon as they stopped on their way home from visiting the kids in the Twin Cities. We had a nice visit. They are the couple who introduced Margaret and I to each other way back when. They are kind of the reason this all got started.

We stopped down for Adoration for a bit after Doug and Peg left. What a peaceful time and place to be. I enjoy that time more each week I am able to get there. I am reading hard on that book on Catholicism by Father Robert Barron – lots of good good stuff in there.

I had heard the birds singing all day, and even heard my cardinal’s song several times. I decided to not try to look for him today, as I did not want to keep talking about him, but as I grilled steaks tonight on the deck, there he was, big, red, and singing loudly in the neighbors tree again. I can’t even seem to avoid God’s touching me these days! Isn’t that great!

I have been very moved by the many people who are reading these blogs and commenting on them. I enjoy jotting my thoughts down, and I do enjoy sharing them. I want everyone to know that I feel that as a part of this whole incredible Gift I have received, it is part of my journey to share my faith with others and to try to get people to see God in each other and the world around them. It is not about what I can write or say, but it is all about God. If I can help one person to get closer to God, this is a worthy venture. He wants all of us in heaven with Him. Make it a Blessed Day.

1 comment:

  1. Jim,
    My name is Jen Kaminski and I am a good friend of Sara's. I had the pleasure of meeting you at Sara and Mark's Wedding! Even though I didn't have the chance to talk to you much there I knew what an incredible man you were by the son you raised and the way that Sara and Mark both talked about you!
    I have been reading your blog and praying for you each day since I got news of your diagnosis. My heart breaks for your family but the words you write help to ease even my heart as I'm sure they have for them. I have truly enjoyed the testament that you are providing in your blog as I have been doing some real soul searching lately and there are times I read your blog and just cry because it hits home to me so strongly! THANK YOU FOR THIS! I look forward to more words of wisdom and encouragement from you. Thank you for sharing your journey and for helping open my heart!
    God Bless,
